Pedal Power Engineering

Pedal Power Engineering (PPE) is a small engineering firm that designs and builds human-powered devices. We focus on stationary pedal-powered machines called dynapods. Our first dynapod (shown in the video above) will be available for purchase in the fall of 2011. We also build custom machines. 

Our dynapod is designed for off-grid applications and features a work surface, ergonomic seat for comfort, quick adjustments for different riders, a flywheel to smooth pedaling, a wide range of gearing, and an all-steel, hand-built frame. An average adult can pedal it to generate 100 watts of electricity, pump 5 gallons of water per minute, grind a variety of grains, operate an air compressor, a hydraulic pump, most any hand-cranked machine, and a variety of small shop tools. It has been found to be particularly suitable for small scale agricultural applications such as cracking grains, churning butter, and pumping water. 

PPE is a full service engineering firm committed to conserving our natural resources while providing flexible and robust machines that are useful for everyday tasks. Our capabilities include CAD, custom machining, and welding. We'd be happy to discuss any ideas for projects you have. 


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