
Showing posts from March, 2013


STEPHEN HAWKING 1- Stephen William Hawking is one of the most famous living scientists. His computer-simulated voice is familiar on many television science programmes. 2- Stephen Hawking (b.1942) is a British physicist who is famous for his ideas on space and time. 3- Hawking was born in Oxford, England and studied at Cambridge University, where he is now a professor. 4- Hawking suffers from the paralyzing nerve disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He cannot move any more than a few hand and face muscles, but he gets around very well in an electric wheelchair. 5- Hawking cannot speak, but he communicates effectively with a computer-simulated voice. 6- Hawking’s book A Brief History of Time (1988) outlines his ideas on space, time and the history of the Universesince the Big Bang. It was one of the best-selling science books of the 20th century. 7- Einstein thought of and Hawking developed the idea of black holes. They are co...

Why Does Life Exist?

For over 10,000 years we’ve looked to the sky and gods for answers. We’ve sent spacecraft to Mars and beyond, and continue to build even bigger machines to find the “God” particle. We’re like Dorothy in “The Wizard of Oz,” who went on a long journey in search of the Wizard to get back home, only to find the answer was inside her all along. In “2001: A Space Odyssey” astronauts are sent on a quest to Jupiter. At the end, David Bowman finds himself pulled into a tunnel of colored light — beyond space and time — to learn the secrets (but merely finds another riddle). Loren Eiseley, the great anthropologist, summed it up best: “If the day comes when the slime of the laboratory for the first time crawls under man’s direction, we shall have great need of humbleness. It will be difficult for us to believe, in our pride of achievement, that the secret of life has slipped through our fingers and eludes us still. We will list all the chemicals and the reactions. The men who have beco...

Electronic City

A city is currently being built in dubai that will rely entirely on solar energy and other renewable energy sources. It’s called Masdar City, and is currently a project in Abu Dhabi. It’s a planned city currently being built by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, with governmental aid. The city, which is designed by Foster and Partners, is going to rely completely on solar energy and other renew able energy sources AND have a sustainable, zero-carbon, zero-waste ecology. Sounds pretty ambitious, don’t you think? Masdar City will also be the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency, an organization whose name is pretty self explanatory. The first tenant of the city moved in back in 2010, which is the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology. Though the city was to be completed by 2016, it was pushed back to 2025. Still, that’s not TOO far off for something so ambitious.